Saturday, June 24, 2006


Today was the first day (of many I am sure) that I was very frustrated. The aforementioned 1LT Ali, is a good guy, hard working and all that, but evidently doesnt like to listen. All of the cell phones over here, use a prepaid sim card. Every month, the Garrison gets a set amount of these cards and they are spread out amoung the offices. The Garrison CO is a crook, documented of course, and he likes to take 90% of the minutes for himself and let the other offices flounder. We have been working on a plan to get him to buy off on that would essentially cut him out of the loop of the phone cards, and let us distibute them evenly. I told the LT today to NOT give the cards to the CO until we had this plan ready. He went anyway, and now the CO has all the cards, and we wont see them again. I got mad, yelled about that and some other stuff and just left. My interpreter finished telling them what I said and then came running after me. But,I was already fed up with that issue and another big one that I have been asking about for days and nothing is getting done. I am usually very patient, but I am giving very clear guidance, and assigning very few tasks at once and its still being mis-handled. Things will be better tomorrow as we will write out the plan, and have it signed and ready to go for next month. Ideally the other issue will be worked out, and we can move on.

Considering I left a bit early, I took off and did a base tour. There are some really cool old blown out buildings and a couple of tank graveyards. I have posted pictures at the link mentioned earlier. From what we are told, the missiles in the picture are SCUD's that until very recently, had warheads. I think all of the stuff laying out there is Iraqi, and orginally Russian built. The remants of the cold war laying out in a field. Good stuff. Posted by Picasa

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