Friday, December 01, 2006

Tangi Kalay Visit

We went over today to visit Tangi Kalay, I think I mentioned that in my last blog that the plans were in the works. It was a much smaller controlled visit, I didn't bring the remaining items, I just brought the Build-a-Bears that the company sent me. It worked out really well as every kid got a bear, dog, rabbit etc, and I even had a couple spares left over that I left for Debra to give out to some kids she knew would really enjoy them. Again, its such a blast to give stuff out to these kids, and I will upload the pictures tomorrow and you can see some of them with their bears.

With this trip, I have been out of the camp twice this's good for me though because I was going stir crazy.

Our new Marines are pretty much wackjobs, they are trying to change all sorts of stuff about the camp with no real thought as to its long term effects. I am happy that I am past the half way point and I get to get out of this mess. Ideally they figure out what they are doing before they cause too much damage, but I don't hold out hope.

I uploaded a couple of pictures that Steve took of our first snow storm. Huge flakes, but none of it stuck. The mountains all around us still have snow all over them, but we are a couple thousand feet lower, so ours melted away. No idea when we will have snow on the ground that stays permanently.

That's about it for now, it's been pretty slow!


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