Sunday, November 19, 2006

Half way day

We have arrived at the half way point of this always fun and entertaining deployment. Ideally we are quite a bit past half way, because we hope to get relieved a little bit early and get home earlier than expected.

As we transition to part 2, we start off fresh with our new Marine team. They have already started asserting themselves and we have had some run-in's with the Sgt Major on whether or not we can walk in to get food in our PT gear, or if we have to be in full uniform. The guidance we had put out was that it was ok, evidently there is clarifying that needs to be done. From our perspective, there are much bigger things to worry about around here, than whether or not the 10 Navy people at Blackhorse are in their shorts and sweatshirts to walk in get food and leave. Ah well, the longer I am away the more the little stuff gets to me.

We had snow on the mountains to our east. It was actually was pretty cool looking. It rained here off and on for about 3 days last week and the ground is still wet. Really its just mud everywhere since mostly we have dirt as far as you can see. I don't mind the mud so much, but it ends up getting trapped in boots and then gets everywhere. Hopefully it holds off snowing where we are for a little while. I don't so much mind the cold, but being knee deep in snow would get old.

Not much else for now, its a slow day!


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