Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Happy Ash Wednesday....or something like that. If anyone cares, I went with chocolate. It still lets me snack, but not all the good stuff I usually eat. It should be fine though, still not as hard as the years I gave up soda when I was fully addicted.

It's so damn cold here. Holy cow, I can't remember it being colder. I just wish it would decide because all the wide temp swings are making people sick and in turn, they are hacking and coughing on the rest of us who aren't sick.

Our reliefs are definitely in training and we have even heard from them! Still don't know dates, but at least we know they are making forward progress! Good news travels fast as I have been getting emails from my friends all over the country asking if we knew any details. Seems as though we are all in the dark together.

I spent a good chunk of my morning helping Zak translate a couple paragraphs from English into English. He had written it and typed it up, but honestly for the most part I had no idea what he was saying. He has a pretty good grasp on speaking it, but not so much in the writing department. Again, not that I was ever an English major, I have 16 years of grades backing up the fact that I couldn't write my way out of a paper bag. Hell, just read the last 8 months of drivel up here! Regardless, we hammered out what he had to say, and honestly its very difficult writing for someone like that when you have to tone down your vocabulary so much. He knows all the basics, but we have so many words in the English language, words I use daily, he has no clue about. I end up writing a sentence, and then spend 5 minutes translating it and using terms he knows. It's good though, I am helping him and his class that he is teaching, so it's an effort that is well worth the time spent.

87 bottles of beer on the wall....87 bottles of beer...


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