Saturday, July 01, 2006


I just returned from a hunting expedition. I THOUGHT I was going to the head - I was sadly mistaken. As I opened the door, the air pressure under the door, sucked this little fellow out into the hall, and pretty much onto my feet. I thought, oh how cute: a cross between a spider and a scorpion! I used said facilities, and as I was leaving, I saw "it" get sucked back out into the hall. I thought two things: 1. Photograph it. 2. (and this one was overwhelming) Get a boot and kill it. I grabbed the camera, my roomate grabbed a boot and we went back out to nab our quarry. At this point a Canadian officer walked in from outside and offered to shoot it. I must admit.....tempting. This thing was probably 4/5 inches long, and from what I am told, Camel spiders are very agressive, at least when they get bigger (oh yeah...venomous too). Killing him now was doing us a large favor later on! Anyway, we got the flashlight out, lit him up, and I took some pictures. He was dead seconds later. We gave him a proper burial by hurling his little body outside. Gives me the creeps. Blah. I havent encountered to much stuff here that truly reminds me I am in the desert.....this DEFINATELY did. Oh yeah...if you notice the time, its Midnight. All the fun stuff happens late. Posted by Picasa

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