Monday, July 03, 2006

update 10

I'd like for these updates to be a bit more exciting, but since we have settled into a daily routine, something really outstanding has to happen for that. Come to think of it, anything really exciting is probably bad, so you all just have to put up with boring updates.

One interesting occurance this week was my first dust storm. Afghanistan is in what is known here as the "120 days of wind". Just what it sounds like, the winds can be intense at times. In Kabul, especially out where we are in the mountains, we are isolated from most of it. Some of the regions down south experience 40/50 mph winds almost daily. Either way, I walked outside yesterday and I couldnt see 25 yards in front of me in any direction. Kinda scary actually. I am so used to seeing the moutains that surround us, having the dust block everything was very odd.

I haven't seen Commander Banana in two weeks, because surprise, he is downtown all the time picking up food. Today I got word he was on the base, so I took my interpreter and we headed over to find him. He was in the Afghan DFAC (chow hall) so I got to take a little tour behind the scenes. I wish I wouldn't have. There were guys cutting vegetables inches from their feet, dirty shovels everywhere and some smell I couldnt quite place. Either way, we found him and spoke to him for a few minutes. I invited him back to his old job, time will tell if he shows up.

Speaking of our interpreters, we are starting to get a little more comfortable with them. Like any new co-worker, you dont really know what you can say and what you cant say when you first meet. We have been here long enough now that we have figured out some of their character traits and things about them. The one guy we found out is REALLY into Joe Pesci. He loves all of his movies and keeps asking us to bring him more of them. He is down to the Home Alone series. It's really quite funny to hear him impersonate him. I don't know where he learned about Joe, but I find it interesting that he has latched onto that actor.

I think I mentioned in the last update, that most days here are the same. Not much changes. We as a group sorta talked about things we need to do keep sane and improve ourselves. We all have decided that the gym is a great place, and I have been in there 6/7 days a week. Its a good way to kill an hour. I did seem to hurt my knee yesterday, so I think I may have to take a day off once in a while. We also have decided that we need to get smarter. I have started taking classes from Navy Knowledge online, and am going to get certified in MS Office and hopefully either finish or at least be ready when I get home for MS certified systems admin. It's good to have goals, and honestly, it makes the days go a bit faster knowing you have things you have to accomplish.

Not much else for now, take care!


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