Saturday, July 29, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Bears! OH MY!

The contracting company that handles the maintenance, food service etc for the camp has given us a not so subtle hint that we have a rodent problem. All of you by now have heard of or read about the camel spider incident. Since then I check my boots religiously for critters. Well, the last few days has had the aforementioned contracting company laying glue traps out EVERYWHERE. I got the idea that I needed one, or 25 of them, the other night when I was sitting on my chair and saw out of the corner of my eye, a little bugger run and take off under one of the beds. We searched, but couldn't find him. My guess is, it was a mouse, but I wont know until I find him. At this point, I went and acquired glue traps for my own room and have them placed all around. I told Bob and Steve about it, and they decided they needed traps as well. They laid the traps out last night and low and behold this morning, they had a catch! What could it be? A mouse? A camel spider? NO, better! A scorpion! WHOO HOO! The stupid thing had scurried onto the trap, gotten its front legs trapped and then with its stinger "attacked" the glue paper and managed to get that stuck too. It was pissed. Steve started to move the trap to get it outside, and the thing freed its stinger and hit the trap again. It was more stuck at this point, and Steve was squealing like a girl. He denies that, but I have witnesses. Honestly, the camel spider scared me a lot more because it was so much bigger, but this thing was nasty looking and definitely angry. Steve looked it up online and found out it's poisonous, then again, most of the ones around here are. Lets hope this was an isolated incident. Two of the other guys here caught two mice on one trap the other night, to date, mine are all free from rodents, insects or other creepy crawlies. Just thought I'd share some of the fun living in a desert!


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