Saturday, August 19, 2006

3 months down!

Today will be short, although I always go in thinking that I and just keep typing. I guess maybe I will let you know if its short after I am done, but by then you will have read it all and it won't matter. Who cares, I'm an idiot.

Today marks three months (out of twelve) boots on the ground. I guess if I were a baseball game, I would be heading into the bottom of the second (actually thats a lousy example, because that doesnt seem like much!), if I were a person with an average lifepan, it would be my 25th birthday (happy birthday to me), and if I were some Navy idiot in Afghnistan, it would mean that I only have 273 days left.

While we are gone, we get 15 days of leave, and two 4 day passes to Qatar. I found out a couple days ago that Steve and I both got a pass for September, so on the 9th, we will be flying OUT of Afghanistan down to Qatar. It's still the gulf, but there are several key things going on there. 1. Beer. 2. No shooting 3. No blowing up. All things I enjoy. It will nice to be out of the combat zone for a while, it sorta takes a mental toll on you. All told with travel, I will likely be gone for a week. Not a bad break.

Speaking of breaks, today is Afghanistan's Independence day, so I am off! That means for the first time here, I have two days off in a row! A real weekend. Anyway, its more or less absurd becuase they are celebrating independence from the Brits in 1917(I think), but they have been captured and freed like 5 times since then. Weird. I don't care, it allowed me to sleep in.

Ok, that's it, its not as short as I expected, but I got a burst of creativity, you are all welcome!

Oh, school supplies have been coming in at a good pace, thank you all who have sent them, you know who you are!

Take Care.


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