Saturday, August 26, 2006

Must it take a life for hateful eyes to glisten once again

Back to back posts: Completely different thoughts on the world. Today is the first day I have really had enough of Afghanistan. I woke up in a crappy mood, and when I went in it was a rare day. Commander Banana was there, so was Mohammad Ali, they are rarely together and I think from this day on, it's probably a good idea. By the time I had arrived they had already been arguing for about an hour. Basically Banana needed a truck to go downtown to get the food. The religious officer took his truck so he decided he would take the S-6 truck, but that was signed out to Ali. Ali told him you can't have it unless you get the Garrison Commander to sign off on it. For some reason, Banana and the Education officer wouldn't go to the Garrison Commander and proceded to brow beat and intimidate Ali for the next hour. I have to give him credit, he stood his ground. When I arrived, Banana was in a chair sulking, and I had to ask him why he didn't just go get permission and this whole mess could have been avoided. In the fray he took a book that Ali and I have been working on (it's an inventory) and basically shredded it. I told Zak (my terp) to ask him why he was acting like a child and had to destroy this book that didn't belong to him. I also said you are the Major, and have to act like an adult. Zak made me laugh for the only time today when he said "You want me to tell him that?" Sometimes I feel bad for Zak and the things I make him say, but they don't respect anything but firm words, so I press them. He never did respond to either of those questions, he just sat there while the Education officer went to get permission. Turns out they didn't get permission to use the S-6 truck, they got another one entirely. They left the office in a huff with none of the standard Afghan pleasantries. Screw um, I wasn't in the mood anyway. At least the Cardinals won, had they lost to the Cubs I would have had to throw myself off a non-existent bridge.


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