Saturday, January 13, 2007

Back to work

I got back to work a couple days ago, and thought I would share some of the fun.

My first day back was pretty boring. I was highly un-motivated and really just needed to go in to get into the swing of things. I spent most of the day just socializing with the ANA and talking about my trip and how everything went. I guess it wasn't a complete wasted day because sitting around drinking tea and socializing is a big part of their culture. Regardless, I powered through it and I think now I am back into the groove with them. They lapsed a little bit on some things I had them doing on their own, but all in all, I was pretty impressed with what they had done without my prodding everyday.

One of the big issues I left when I went home was the phone and internet installations. I have been told for months by the contractor that it was to be finalized on the 13th of December. So much for that. I left on the 17th with no sign of it being completed. Well, I have been asked a few times about it so today we went on an expedition to discover what exactly is going on. What I ended up discovering is that they phone install was "completed" while I was gone. We have two main buildings here that were to be wired, and each office was supposed to get a phone. What ended up happening was the contractor decided to wire every phone he had for the Garrison in one building - in this case the medical clinic. When I counted today, I found 44 phones in a building with about 40 total rooms. Some of those rooms are storage closets, bathrooms etc. Some of these rooms had 2 phones within 3 feet of each other, and each hospital bed (with no patients) had its own phone. This was not a wide spread install - it was supposed to be for the main offices only and the front desk, and the rest were supposed to go to the head Garrison building. I told the medical officer a short, angry little man with a cigarette constantly in his mouth that I was taking most of his phones and he threw a mini tantrum. Fortunately for me, I am 8 inches taller, and have a gun. Once I "calmly" explained the situation he was on board and was willing to drop down to his original allotment of phones. Side note: It's pretty funny to see the medical officer smoking in the clinic and in exam rooms while with a patient. Surreal almost. There is no resolution to this issue yet. The contractor is gone, and the main building isn't wired. I have a feeling I am going to be learning how to wire this phone system myself. Fun.

Gary's mundane fact of the week ** - I have changed boots! I brought two pair with me and my first pair I had worn for the first 8 months. I thought it was time to break out the new ones, which as a double bonus are Gortex lined so they should keep my feet warm now that winter is in full force. Hooray Boots!

** - Gary's mundane fact of the week may or may not appear every week, and may or may not be mundane. Gary holds all rights to cancel the mundane fact of the week without prior notice.


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