Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Mongol Horde

For some unknown reason, the Mongolians have landed at Blackhorse. A couple days ago, about 30 or so showed up and other than going EVERYWHERE together, we haven't figured what they are doing here. They don't speak English, and don't go to work everyday, so we haven't quite worked out why exactly they are here. All I do know is that in the mornings the bathroom is filled with them, then in the afternoons they fill the computer/phone room and for some reason always shower in packs as well. Pretty much at this point as soon as I see one, I just go the other way because damn if there aren't 15 more just like him around the corner. They are nice enough but such is life.

An update on the phone situation, and a GOOD update. I talked to the Marine who is charge of the mentoring for the Corps level ANA, and he made some phone calls to the contractor. Not only did they come out, but they came out the next day! Just to make sure it wasn't perfect, I was told 8am, and they didn't arrive until almost 11, but they did come, hooked all my phones up and we are now on the grid! I am absolutely shocked.

The weather has been better during the day here, almost pleasant. I figure in another month or so, winter will be wrapping up here, although I really don't look forward to the mud. There is so much dirt here that when all this snow thaws, its just going to be a muddy mess. I am also fairly thankful that it's staying light past 5pm now...for a while there by 430 it was dark. Depressing to be cold, and in Afghanistan on top of being dark well before dinner.


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