Friday, January 26, 2007

Unfounded rumors I can smile about

I have heard through a couple different sources that our reliefs have left Norfolk and are on their way to start their training! Yeah! We have long talked about how good it will feel to know that there are others identified and moving towards getting here so we can go home. I will have to confirm this rumor and hopefully track down some of the guys destined for Blackhorse before I get too excited, but its a great thought.

Mundane fact for this week: I ran out of Q-tips. This is only significant if you understand where I am coming from, OR you have a burning desire to know way too much about my personal hygiene. See, when I got here, I opened one of those big boxes of Q-tips, and since I only use one everyday after I shower, they deplete rather slowly. For the entire box to be gone is a great thing for the mere fact that it's that much closer to being outta here! I had to open up another huge box, but I have no issues leaving the extras behind! Does anyone else sense a trend with this post?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the little things that get you through!
