Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Final (x)

If you have ever been on vacation, you know towards the end you start mentally scrambling, deciding on the things that you really must do before you leave and what things can go by the wayside. We are in that mode now as we look back and start deciding what things we really want to accomplish before we leave both professionally and personally.

On a monthly basis, a report goes up through our chain of command for the status of the Garrison, and at what level we think they are on a scale of 1-5, with a 5 being completely useless to a 1 being they can sustain themselves for some set period of time without any interaction from us. We had our final meeting yesterday to determine what we will grade the ANA as we exit. When we arrived, they were 2/3's for the most part and during our get together we have pushed most area's to a one, or at the worst a strong two. Some things are not in our control such as personnel end strength or inventory levels of equipment they just don't have in stock. All in all, we are fairly satisfied with how they have turned out.

On the personal side, we have several little projects or visits we want to complete before leaving. Things that if we didn't get a chance to accomplish would probably have us looking back wondering why we didn't make the time. I won't get into specifics yet, but they should lead to a couple interesting stories.


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