Monday, April 23, 2007


Yesterday, with little fan fair, our relief's rolled into camp, bright eyed and eager. I think I made that last part up, but it doesn't matter, they have no choice as we are going to give them the whirlwind turnover and turn our attention to getting finished up and getting outta here.

They arrived about 830 and by 900 I was moved out of my room and into the Bhut. Hate community living, loved moving out. I have managed to carve out my own little space, and have everything setup now, so it's really not a big deal. Steve and Bob are living within feet of me so life is normal. I think I may have to ask them to come live with me. I think it may be an awkward conversation with Bob's wife but I am certain she and the kids will see it my way :)

I spent today taking my relief around the Garrison, introducing him to most of the staff, avoiding the requests to sit and have tea and then for a tour of the entire PeC Base. I remember my first days here as if they were yesterday (and if you refer to my post on lousy memory, that is quite a feat!). I know their heads are swimming in information and they are very likely overloaded, this place is a lot to take all at once. He will do fine though and I look forward to finishing our turnover this week and seeing what he has in store for the ANA for the next year.

My life feels like its on 78 speed, and I am a 45. If I were to narrate it at this point, I'd sound like Mickey Mouse (with respect of course to all relevant Walt Disney Corporation trademarks). Even though of course, the days are ticking by as normal, it just has that feeling of acceleration. No idea why, or how to slow it down, but I'll try to not fling myself out of the Earth's gravity.

I think my knuckle is broken. Can you even do that? The left ring finger knuckle is black and blue and hurts like hell. I don't remember doing anything to it and it didn't hurt all day but as I sat down to write this, I noticed how much it was bothering me. Weird.

We got a bit of bad news over the weekend. We were supposed to fly from here, and eventually make our way to Norfolk VA to de-mobilize. We were told that now, Norfolk isn't equipped to handle a group of our size and we are going to be going to Pt. Hueneme CA after Norfolk to complete the process. We don't have a good sense of the delay this adds, but it certainly isn't welcome. Screwed to the bitter end, at least I can't say they Navy isn't committed to making this a miserable experience. Also, if this is one big practical joke, someone went the extra mile for this one.

For now, that's all I have....I think I am into the teens.



Anonymous said...

Um, Gary... if you're having Bob/Steve come live with us, I think the first person that needs to be okay with it is _ME_, silly. :-P

Anonymous said...

You are OUT of the teens already. My count is 12. Don't miss the plane because you counted wrong!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Don says...sounds like a lot of excitement going on in your head. I'm with you all the way!!!Just keep your head down,trust NO ONE!!!See you when you get back in the U.S.A. GO CARDS!!!!