Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Everyone in the pool

The post World Series euphoria is wearing off. I am still really happy for the Cards, but honestly, I am now more curious about next year. I guess that is why Cubs fans can keep from killing themselves - next year. I realized yesterday that I have now been here for 3 of the 4 major sports finals. After the Super bowl I will have made the rounds and I should (better) be back for the hockey and basketball finals.

I got a flu shot two days ago. It's mandatory and honestly with the amount of dirty people here that can't figure out how to wash their hands before eating, or after using the restroom, I should have gotten two.

They chlorinate the water here. We have a couple guys whose only job is to ensure the water is more or less safe for us, although you still can't drink it. You can shower in it, and brush your teeth if you are brave, but no drinking. Anyway, I can always tell when they have just put a new batch of chlorine in, as it smells like the an indoor pool at a Holiday inn. Its not a slight smell of chlorine, I mean its like I am 8 years old again, and being told not to run. Smells are amazing, and although I hated knowing my hair was being bleached and my skin was being seared off, I liked the smell as it got me out of here for a few minutes.

Today is day 165, which means we have 200 to go. I blogged at 299, and I think this will suffice for the 199 entry. Breaking into the 100's is a great mental thing, and in two weeks we hit the half way point. For some reason, although we still have a pile of time remaining, just getting there will be very satisfying.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetheart -- Thanks for posting those pics of your game room that I asked you for! I like seeing you in the hat I sent you, and in front of the flag I sent you! Hopefully all the other Cards gear I sent too (Mugs, Clubhouse sign, etc, etc, etc) served you well throughout this entire season.
And, don't be sad; you were there with me, at every game, every night, every event... You are with me wherever I go, always in my heart.