Saturday, October 21, 2006

The playoff mustache lives on

I think I said it would be a coin toss and damn if it didn't seem like that all game. Again, not pretty by any means, but it was emotional and gut wrenching which makes for good baseball. Add in unexpected hitting performances and it turned out to be a pretty good Game 7. On to the World Series with Detroit where all sorts of interesting story lines will play out and hopefully the Cards don't embarass themselves. I don't expect a win out of this, so anything they do is above getting swept is gravy. They have been playing with house money since beating the Padres, might as well put it all on the line.

As the title states, my measly playoff mustache gets to continue growing. Maybe it will end up respectable before the series is over!

The S-6 went downtown yesterday to get food, and on the way he ran into a mob scene. There were a couple hundred guys in the middle of the road fighting about something. His vehicle was stopped, and he was told to wait until they were done and then he could pass. At some point, someone noticed he was ANA and threw a rock at him and hit him in the leg, and then threw one and hit his driver in the head. At this point, he got out his gun and stood on the roof of the truck and told anyone that threw a rock at them again was going to get shot. Unbelievable. Please don't take for granted that you can drive around in the States with very little fear of some sort of attack. Its amazing how a small thing like driving from here to downtown can turn into an event. Hopefully someday these people will learn.


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