Saturday, October 28, 2006

That's a WINNER! That's a WINNER! A World Series Winner for the Cardinals!

I am not even sure what to type right now. I got back from watching the first championship since I was 8 years old, and I think it could be one of the most bittersweet moments ever for me. I just can't believe that I am in Afghanistan for this. I can't believe I missed every one of the games, the clincher at home, the after party and the not yet to happen parade. Blah.


Great win, LONG over due and lets hope it happens again during my lifetime! Enjoy it Cards fans! CELLLLLLLEBRATE good times CMON! Wait....wrong year! :)

I added pictures.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gary! This is Jim from SMS. Glad the Cardinals gave you such a great Halloween present there in Afghanistan. My son and I were doing the 'Go Crazy, Folks' dance after Wainwright threw that final strike! Now I can get that horrible 1985 World Series loss out of my head. Stay safe, and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

We missed having you here. It was bittersweet for us too!


Anonymous said...

It was the Best of times , it was the Worst of times.
The best is rather obvious,The CARDINALS ARE THE WORLD CHAMPIONS !!!!!!!!
The worst is probably just as obvious. That due to your travel agent, Uncle Sam , You are not here to enjoy this with Kara and the rest of Cardinal Nation.
However , think of yourself as a missionary , if you will . A missionary of Cardinal Nation , spreading the good news of the Cardinals to the truly less fortunate of the world.
Think about this , Imagine if you had no one to root for , and even worse , if you had no one to root for you ! Well as the Good Lord and luck would have it , You have been abundantly blessed with both !!
We will just have something else to Celebrate when you get home!
Be safe and Keep the moustache !!!

All our LOVE
Mike & the Girls
(Joann,Carley,Sarah, Gabby)

redb1rdz said...

Well Gary, one of the first things that I thought after that wicked 3rd strike on Friday night (after jumping up and hitting my head on the ceiling) was "I'll bet Gary's having a ball right now!". Just think of this as a small bit of payback for all the crap we had to go through over there. 24 yrs in the making, can't ask for anything better. I'm sure you've tried to explain to Zak and company why you're so excited, equally sure they still don't get it, not that it matters.

Just remember, it's not just a Cardinal Nation, it's a Cardinal WORLD!

Keep safe, and get some sleep!


Gary said...

Thanks Barry. We have all been discussing you lately - this is the part of your deployment where WE showed up. Ah well....have to power through the back 9.